北京中器研究院 2009/10/31 14:58:46 点击:2953次
1982年开始师从赵屏国,并连续六次获得钢琴学科期末考试第一名,同时作为优秀学生分别和不同的外国专家上公开课,如Paul Badura – Skoda,傅聪等等。
1991年留学瑞士苏黎世音乐学院,师从著名钢琴家霍梅罗·夫朗切什(Homero Francesch)
1993年开始在德国特罗辛根音乐学院随世界著名钢琴教育家维克多·麦沙诺夫(Viktor Merzhanov)攻读艺术家文凭(硕士学位)并任助教。
1995年获艺术家文凭(硕士学位),并开始在德国汉诺威音乐学院随世界著名钢琴教育家卡尔—海因茨 凯沫林教授(Karl-Heinz Kaemmerling)攻读独奏家文凭(博士学位),并任助教。自同年始得到设在汉诺威的肖邦协会的支持,作为他的音乐经纪人。
1997年在苏黎世举行的Geza Anda国际钢琴大赛中因病退出比赛,但荣获特别奖。并成为在世界钢琴大赛历史上唯一一位在有四轮的比赛中只参加了两轮就赢得奖项的钢琴家.之后转学到呆特孟特(Detmold)音乐学院随世界著名钢琴家乌高斯基(Anatol Ugorski)继续攻读独奏家文凭。
杜泰航在到欧洲以来,已经举行了近三百场音乐会,演出足迹遍及德国、奥地利、意大利、瑞士、荷兰、英国、比利时、丹麦、日本、香港等国家和地区,包括协奏曲,独奏和重奏。在著名的音乐大厅中举行了独奏会,像荷兰阿姆斯特丹的Konzertgebouw。瑞士苏黎世的Tonhalle等等,在一些著名的国际音乐节上演出,如德国吕贝克国际音乐节,意大利asiago国际音乐节,奥地利萨尔斯堡国际音乐节等等。和欧洲著名的交响乐团合作演出,如:Tonhalleorchester Zuerich(苏黎世音乐厅交响乐团)Nordhollandisch Philhamonic(北荷兰交响乐团)并由德国、瑞士、丹麦、日本、中国国家电台电视台多次录音录像播放。
Curriculum Vitae
Taihang Du (pianist)
Born in 1966 in peking, Taihang Du started playing the Piano at the Age of six.
His first Solo Recital was given in Peking,1976.
Taihang Du started his musical studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Peking in class of Prof.Chifang Lee.
Thank to his great success he had the opportunity to take part in Master—Classes given at the conservatory by pianists such as Vladimir Ashkenazy and Paul Badura Skoda.
1992 Taihang Du comes Europe to ontinue his studies. With the financial support of the “Heinrich Neuhaus Siftung” Zuerich and the in “Chopin-Gesellschafft” in Hanover, he became cnabled to study with: In Zuerich with Homero Francesch and in Germany with Victor Merzhanov, Karl-Heinz Kammerling and Anatol Ugorski.
Taihang Du was successful in various international piano competitions such as Schevingen international Music Competition, 1994 in Holland and Geza Anda international piano concours, 1997 in Zuerich.
Since living in Europe he hes played numerous Recitals and concerts with orchestra throughout Europe and Asia, including Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Demark, Japen, HongKong and China. He performs regularly at international music festivals like Schleswig-Holsten music Festival in Italy and had concerts in as famous concerthalls as the Tonhalle in Zurich and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. He has performed with well-known symphony orchestras, such as Tonhalleorchester Zuerich, Nordhollandisch Philharmonic. China Philharmonic Orchester and China National Symphony Orchester.
Taihang Du did recordings for various radio and TV Stations like Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Koeln or dthe daniish Radio 2. Suiss National Music Studio, Japan NHK, China Central TV, and China Central People’s Broadcasting Station.
In 2001 Taihang Du has accepted the invitation to become a full professor at the Central Conservatory of Music in Peking.
e-mail adresse: duth@vip.sina.com
(本文标题:钢琴教学名师-杜泰 标签:)